Tomato Drama


Yesterday, we had the mother of all rain and wind storms that had trucks dangling off of bridges tying up Boston traffic for hours. Tomato drama also took place at my house.  All of my ripe (and overripe) grape tomatoes were blown all over my deck.  I looked at them sadly through the rain streaked windows.  I was not going to be able to bend down and pick up all those tomatoes with current back issues.  Sigh.  But, what would I do with them if I could.  I looked at them all spread out on and off until it got dark.  Morning came along with my friend who picked up all the tomatoes for me and put them in a cereal bowl!

I transferred them to a glass vase and photographed them.  Then, I spent an hour trying to add some “drama” to these tomatoes with Photoshop, NiK filters, and Topaz filters since tomato drama was, after all, the title of this post.  Ok, so now they appear to be red grape tomatoes and not orange.  Some things are lost in dramatic situations.  People trying to drive to NH yesterday on Rt. 93 lost 3 hours of their time to that dangling truck on the bridge.

Below is what they looked like sans drama.

God bless digital software and that I don’t have to bend over to use it!
