USA ZIP: 012009


At what point do icicles become a public safety issue?

These and other “deep thoughts” musings –Obama’a stark choice of the Valley Forge reference, the inaugural poet’s line “Take out your pencils. Begin” –have been filling my post inaugural days.

But, today, I’ll just give you this view through my window at dawn. Somehow, just inches from my chair was an image of the somber realities and the promise of this week.

©Pat Coakley 2009


13 Replies to “USA ZIP: 012009”

    1. Razz, you do make me laugh BUT Stabbing requires intent. How about just walking along and one breaks off? These are all over the place!

  1. it isnt every day i see a photograph of icicles that i can really believe because they look more real than the real thing, they look cold and dripping and sharp but easily breakable. beyond the impact their just being there has. somehow it reminds me of time, maybe the way they seem to shapeshift. it looks like a set of quill pens ready for dipping too, a little tub of ink please. i might get some interesting lines using an ice quill pen that melts in my hand….carried away by thoughts of icicles…lovely, thankyou

  2. Pat

    “BUT Stabbing requires intent.”

    About that, I think that our old mate Chuck (if he were still alive) from the NRA would say something along the lines of, “Icicles don’t kill people; people kill people and you’ll have to prise my icicle from my cold, dead hands.”

    Needless to say, if you’re going to use an icicle with malicious intent, wear a nice warm pair of mittens!

  3. Sanity, a visit is the best way to deal with this winter. Living here is getting on my nerves!!! The ice on sidewalks and driveways can imperil an ol’ girl’s life!

  4. Aye this ol’ girls life as well, never learnt to ski all that well though I am learning super fast! S’long as you don’t mind me clutching the fence as we walk I’ll be there sooner than you think!

  5. Wow. This photo is GORGEOUS. I have just taken up photography with no knowledge whatsoever and am loving it – but my camera does all the work (canon rebel)…still, i thought i was a hotshot taking icicles and posting them on my blog, but this photo knocks me out!!!!!! So do all your photos….We have a lot in common actually. I’m a therapist but I’d really rather be doing photography, poetry, designing jewelry, decoupage…but its just not feasible for me to retire yet…anyway nice to meet you. I’m adding this fantastic blog to my blogroll. Can’t wait to return when I can browse around leisurely… (I found you by way of Amber’s blog, by the way).

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