What is it?

It’s Thursday.  It’s a new weekly series called “What is it?” day.

Answer should be in a story form.  Six words.

Prizes for entrants not just winners.

My new name is Agatha Crunchy.  I’m hoping for a BBC series.

©Pat Coakley 2010


**Select photographs from this blog and my wider archive can be purchased at www.patcoakley.com

13 Replies to “What is it?”

  1. It’s a close up of my black leather evening bag with those gold nutty shaped beads silly!

    1. Very impressive, Bon Bon! Is Omar Shariff anywhere visible? My favorite “Egyptian” Bedouin from Lawrence of Arabia!

    1. You are right, Al! Except it started out as red cabbage! And, just as a disclaimer it did not turn black in my refrigerator but through Photoshop!

  2. Looks like a cabbage that’s been sliced through, scanned and manipulated in photoshop. Then again it might be a cross section of a brain with tumours.
    I think I like the cabbage better.

    1. Yikes! My scalp from a satellite sounds a whole lot better than a brain with tumors! I’m with you, the cabbage manipulation I like better and is also the truth!! I love my veggies for so many reasons these days!

  3. Since there are prizes for entrants and not just for winners, I will enter, albeit late.

    I WAS going to say it was a head of lettuce. I’ve already found out I was wrong. Then I was going to say something clever, but Bonnie, Razz and others have already beat me to it.

    So, here’s my comment which will never be right nor clever….
    It’s a cabbage that has gone over to the “dark” side a la Harry Potter. Where is its wand?

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